
When we look for Urdu lyrics of Pakistani national songs, we have to disappoint as there are only a few lyrics available; only for the popular songs. Therefore, we decided to create a complete database of national songs creating and providing written lyrics in Urdu and Roman. MilliNaghmay.com is a little endeavor for this. Here, we aim to provide Urdu lyrics of all from the oldest songs to the newest ones released to date. The website will have the biggest collection of milli songs in Pakistan.

We have divided the songs into different categories such as 23rd March Pakistan Day, 14th August Independence Day, 6th September Defence Day, Pakistan Army, and Air Force songs and others. Some other categories we are going to make include Father of the Nation (Quaid e Azam) songs, ISPR songs (those released by ISPR), and a few more.

Milli Naghmay website will be your one-stop to get Urdu lyrics of any of your favorite Pakistani songs.

You can stay in touch with us on the following social profiles:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/milli.naghmay.pakistan/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/milli_naghmay

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/millinaghmay/